The Mayfair Apartments

Six Apartment Rules No One Talks About, But Everyone Follows

Six Apartment Rules No One Talks About, But Everyone Follows

Six Apartment Rules No One Talks About, But Everyone Follows

When you live in an apartment community, there are many unspoken rules that many people follow just because they want to live in a great place.  Most residents work together to keep the community looking beautiful.   They also act neighborly by being respectful of the shared property.  When you live at our apartments in Gainesville, FL, you will have access to beautiful, sprawling amenities in our community.  Our residents respect our grounds so they can benefit from its beauty.  There are six apartment roles that no one talks about but everyone still follows without hesitation.

Don't Clutter Public Spaces

When people see your front door, they shouldn't see your kid's bicycles and dog's leashes cluttering the space.  You will want to keep clutter to a minimum when your neighbors can see your property.  If you need to store items outside, invest in storage solutions to keep the space neat and tidy.

Keep the Volume Down

When you live closely to many other people, you want to keep the volume at a minimum.  This is especially true in the evening hours, as many people are trying to sleep.  Be respectful and don't host loud parties, keep your music low, and avoid yelling and shouting when possible.

Follow Pool Rules

Nobody likes being splashed, dunked, or disrupted when they are enjoying a relaxing swim at the community pool.  Be respectful of the pool rules when you are using this amenity.  This is also a way to keep you and your neighbors safe while swimming.

Park in Your Spot

Don't forget to follow parking lot rules as well.  If you are assigned to a particular parking spot that corresponds to your unit, use only that spot.  Also, abide by the speed limits and drive safely when you enter the community.

Clean Up After Yourself

When you are using community property, you always want to clean up your messes.  If you use the BBQ area, be sure that you throw away your trash and clean up the grill after you cook.  If you have a dog, clean up after it when it uses the bathroom.  Keeping your apartment balcony clean is also critical in maintaining the space.

Respect Community Property

Whenever you are using the social hall or the fitness center, be sure to abide by the rules.  Be respectful of the community property by cleaning up the fitness equipment after use, throwing away any garbage you've used, and tidying up the space.  Also, keep off the grass and landscaping the keep the grounds attractive.

These are six apartment rules that everyone will abide by without actually being asked to do so.  Because we look to improve our community by approving trusted and reliable residents for rentals, we hope to keep our community respectful and appreciative of the complex.  Contact us to hear about how you can become part of our apartments in Gainesville, FL community today.


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