The Mayfair Apartments

How to Achieve Rock-Solid Abs with Items You Have in Your Apartment

How to Achieve Rock-Solid Abs with Items You Have in Your Apartment

How to Achieve Rock-Solid Abs with Items You Have in Your Apartment

A home exercise routine is doable if you desire to acquire those rock-hard abs without spending on a monthly gym membership. But training equipment can be expensive, and how much will you use it? Instead, replace that equipment with things you have at home already. Here are a few everyday household items to use for your ab workout courtesy of experts from our apartments in Gainesville, FL.

Sack of sugar or flour

Instead of buying a medicine ball, utilize a bag of sugar or flour. It's about the same dimensions and will add additional weight and intensity to your workouts. Med ball toe touches and Russian twists are a couple of methods to get incredible abs using your alternative medicine ball.

Attempt these sugar or flour bag workouts.

Med ball toe touches:

  1. Lay on your back and point your heels feet toward the ceiling so your legs are at a 90-degree angle from the floor.
  2. Position your hands above your head and grip the bag of sugar or flour with both hands.
  3. Do a crunch and raise your shoulders off the floor, extending the bag of sugar or flour toward your lifted feet.
  4. Slowly lower yourself back to your starting position and repeat.

Russian twists:

  1. Sit on the floor and bend your knees, holding your heels on the floor.
  2. Grip the bag of sugar or flour at your chest and lean back, maintaining your back at a 45-degree angle with the floor. While holding the sugar or flour at your chest, rotate your torso to one side, return to your starting position, then rotate to the opposite side and repeat.

Water bottles

Just use plain water bottles to create your hand weights and refill them with water, sand, or gravel, leaning on how weighty you want them to be. These smaller weights are an effortless way to take standard ab workouts to the next level. Grip a water bottle in each hand while performing crunches, sit-ups, side planks, and superman poses.


If you require a heavier weight that's comfortable to grip, grab an empty jug from your liquid laundry detergent, bleach, or milk and refill it with water or sand. You can employ your homemade weight for activities that require dumbbells or kettlebells. For example, you can easily do standing side bends and kettlebell swings.

Try these jug exercises

Standing side bends:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grip a jug weight in one hand.
  2. Bending sideways, slowly lower the jug to the ground, keeping your back straight. Hold for a moment or two, then return to a standing position. Repeat 10 reps for a set on one side, then repeat on the other.

Kettlebell swings:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Barely bend your knees and put the jug on the floor between your feet.
  • Grab the jug with both hands and swing it upward, bringing it to eye level before allowing it to fall back to the ground. Repeat.

These are a few ways to get an ab workout with things you have in your apartment. We have you covered if you are looking for apartments in Gainesville, FL. Contact us today for property details.

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